Mgr. Tereza Klemensová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tereza Klemensová, Ph.D.
University of Ostrava
tereza.klemensova [na]

Wizytówka :
Tereza Klemensová (Ph.D.; 1991), an assistant professor at the Department of Czech Language (Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava), specializes in onomastics, historical grammar, language policy, and language culture. She studied Czech Language (Ph.D.; 2019) and Czech Language and Literature (M.A.; 2015) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava. In 2009 she co-organized OOME, the Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event, which attracted researchers from many onomastic domains. Klemensová’s main focus is research of toponyms in connection with the language policy or marketing and the issue of renaming. She wrote the book Zeměpisné názvy v pohraničí po roce 1945: na příkladu okresu Jeseník [Geograpical Names in a Border Region after 1945: as a Case Study of the District Jeseník] and more than ten texts published in various prestigious venues, some of them as a co-author (e.g., Slovo a slovesnost, Acta onomastica, Naše řeč,Beiträge zur Namenforschung). She is a reviewer for the journals of Naše řeč and Acta onomastica.
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