Mgr. Bc. Bc. Michal Místecký, Ph.D.
Mgr. Bc. Bc. Michal Místecký, Ph.D.
University of Ostrava
michal.mistecky [na]

Wizytówka :
Michal Místecký (Ph.D.; 1990), an assistant professor at the Department of Czech Language (Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava), specializes in quantitative linguistics, stylometry, onomastics, and corpus linguistics. At the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, he studied English (Ph.D.; 2009−2017), French (M.A.; 2009−2014), Latin (B.A.; 2010−2013), and Czech (M.A.; 2013−2018). In 2018, he co-organized OOME, the Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event, which attracted researchers from many onomastic domains. Místecký’s main focus is application of quantitative methods in various domains of language (onomastics, education, literary scholarship, slang studies, journalism). He is a reviewer for the journals of Naše řeč, Acta onomastica, Opera Slavica, and Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. He closely cooperated with Gabriel Altmann (1931−2020), a co-founder and promoter of quantitative linguistics. He co-authored three books, focusing mostly on applying quantitative tools in the domains of phonetics and literature, and more than twenty published in various prestigious venues (e.g., Slovo a slovesnost, Glottometrics, Glottotheory, Acta onomastica, Bohemistyka, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Jazykovedný časopis, Studies about Languages). Parallelly to his academic career, he teaches English and Latin at Pavel Tigrid Language Grammar School, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
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