doc. Mgr. Jaroslav David, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Jaroslav David, Ph.D.
University of Ostrava
jaroslav.david [na]

Wizytówka :
Jaroslav David (doc., Ph.D.; 1975), an associate professor at the Department of Czech Language (Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava), specializes in onomastics, historical semantics, etymology, and lexicology. At the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Brno, he took an academic appointment docent (doc.; 2013), Czech language. At the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, he studied Czech Language (Ph.D.; 2004), Bohemistics and History (M.A.; 1998). In 2009 he organized 4th Czech Onomastic Conference; in 2016 and 2018, he organized OOME, the Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event, which attracted researchers from many onomastic domains. David’s main focus is research on proper names in texts and the research on relationships between names, society, and politics. He is a reviewer for the journals of Naše řeč, Acta onomastica, Slovo a slovesnost, Onomastica, SALi, Geografie, etc. He co-authored seven books, focusing mostly on folk etymology (Neviditelní svědkové minulosti, 2006, with Pavel Rous), historical semantics (Slovo a text, 2013, a chief author), place names and memory (Názvy míst, 2014, with Přemysl Mácha), Czech travel writings to the Soviet Union (Obrazy z cest do země Sovětů, 2017, with Jana Davidová Glogarová); and more than fifty texts published in various prestigious venues (e.g., Slovo a slovesnost, Names, Acta onomastica, Naše řeč, Jazykovedný časopis, Studies about Languages).
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